Friday, October 19, 2007

Hello, my name is Devin...

And I'm a college basketball addict. Other sports (Soccer, NBA, NFL) are fun to watch, but nothing really gets the wheels turning in my head like college basketball.

I've renamed the blog, and posted my thoughts why sportsbloggers should be writing, and should now introduce myself. My name is Devin, I work with information in an academic setting, I'm very happily married, and I'm also going to grad school at a Big Ten university (not Indiana, where I got my BA in History and love of the game).

I don't see as many games as Kyle Whelliston, but for stats I borrow heavily from him and Ken Pomeroy (trying to cite when I do), and the direction of the blog was originally to be a personal rundown of Hoosier sports, but then took a turn after reading John Gasaway's now-defunct "Big Ten Wonk." Gasaway is now working on a more ambitious project, but his good work is not forgotten.

Why did I rename this blog? Well, my wife was not a fan of the clunky name, and truthfully, neither was I. The address remains the same, the beat goes on, but hopefully the title is a little better. However, what the heck is a chronotope? Mikhail Bakhtin coined the term,and it means basically "time-space." I thought it was appropriate for sportswriting, as Bakhtin refers to the "intrinsic connectedness of temporal and spatial relationships that are artistically expressed in literatureā€ So, an writer must create entire worlds and, in doing so, is forced to make use of the organizing categories of the real world. So, as we watch sports and write about them, we first have to interpret the way that things happen, and in writing, convey that logic and/or meaning of these sporting events to our audience.

Clear as mud?


At 2:02 PM, Blogger Ben Fulton said...

Heh, very cool. Looking forward to your new posts!


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