Summer dreams

Former Hoosier dunks on LeBron, but you won't see the video:
IU Basketball:
Last I heard, Crean was still waiting on two of the best recruits (Mo Creek- the most "ready" and Bawa Muniru- "the most potential") to get eligible. Muniru just needs to finish a class, but Creek needs to pass qualifying exams. Crossing my fingers- the Hoosiers need everyone next season.
IU Soccer:
Evidently ranked #7, which leaves outside the Final Four again next season. Todd Yeagley, who I played with in High School (and did some asst. coaching of me- not that there was much he could do with my skill set), is now the head coach at Wisconsin. I wish him well there, but I still root for the Hoosiers first.
IU Football:
Just looked it up to confirm my suspicion, and yes, IU's the worst all-time team in the conference. The Hoosiers' .424 winning percentage is below even Northwestern's .435. That's pretty sad. I root for those Hoosier footballers, but they always seem to break your heart. Firing Bill Mallory was the worst thing IU sports ever did to their football program.
USA Soccer
After the thrilling comeback to get into the semifinals on the Confed Cup, beating Egypt 3-0, USA then stunned #1 Spain 2-0 before leading Brazil 2-0 at the half. Brazil came back and won 3-2, but the Americans were really playing with Brazil throughout the whole game. Yes, Brazil's midfield is way better and did a better job with possession, but the US has a good defense and a great counterattack now. Great to see, and watch out for these Yanks in the World Cup next year!